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The 60 Minute Thanksgiving Dinner

The 60 Minute Thanksgiving Dinner

[ 0 ] December 8, 2020 |

Rachael Ray makes Thanksgiving dinner for 8 in 60 minutes. Great for a small group, a small kitchen, or a small amount of time! Turkey, mashed potatoes, sauteed greens with nuts, shallots, and dried fruit, all done quickly. Missing: Dessert! Have one of your guests bring a pumpkin pie and you’re set!

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No-Bake Pumpkin Cheesecake

No-Bake Pumpkin Cheesecake

[ 0 ] December 6, 2020 |

This no-bake pumpkin pie cheesecake is cheap, easy, and delicious. You can get many of the ingredients at the Dollar Tree and no one will be any the wiser – as they clean their plates! Enjoy!

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Day After Turkey Soup

Day After Turkey Soup

[ 0 ] November 27, 2020 |

Don’t toss that carcass after Thanksgiving! It’s so easy to make delicious and warming turkey soup from those leftovers. This recipe is easy to do and you can serve it up all weekend or freeze for a later time.

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Seven Activities For After Thanksgiving Dinner

Seven Activities For After Thanksgiving Dinner

[ 0 ] November 26, 2020 |

Seven Relaxation Ideas You Can Use After Thanksgiving Dinner Every year, families all across the country have their Thanksgiving traditions, one of which is taking a nap after a huge meal. So, instead of doing nothing all afternoon, Here are a few actives to keep your bodies moving and burn off some of those extra […]

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How To Win The Thanksgiving Wishbone Game

How To Win The Thanksgiving Wishbone Game

[ 0 ] November 3, 2020 |

Snapping the turkey wishbone in your direction means – good luck! Who wouldn’t want that? Scientific America has put together some techniques (and some dirty tricks) to help you win bragging rights.

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Martha Stewart Explains Turkeys

Martha Stewart Explains Turkeys

[ 0 ] November 2, 2020 |

Martha Stewart explains the difference between organic, natural, heritage, and a broad breasted white turkey. Different price points, flavors, and cooking instructions differentiate these main types of turkeys. Your choice will depend on budget, dinner size, and personal taste!

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What Groceries Should I Stock Up On In November?

What Groceries Should I Stock Up On In November?

[ 0 ] November 1, 2020 |

November is a great time to stock up on certain grocery items – both for the Thanksgiving celebration, but for the holidays and beyond. Here’s a list of some of the best deals in food this time of year: Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, and Yams: These root vegetables are often at their lowest price of the […]

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What’s The Difference Between Sweet Potatoes and Yams?

What’s The Difference Between Sweet Potatoes and Yams?

[ 0 ] October 24, 2020 |

Did you know that yams and sweet potatoes come from different plant families? Neither did I! So where does the confusion come from? Watch this short video to find out!

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Removing Canned Cranberry Sauce in One Piece

Removing Canned Cranberry Sauce in One Piece

[ 0 ] October 17, 2020 |

Would you like your canned cranberry sauce to come out in one piece? So much nicer than broken chunks on the table plus you can serve those nice round slices of cranberry to your guests (or yourself!) This easy hack allows the cranberry to just slide out of the can! Check it out!

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How to Create a Budget for Your Thanksgiving Meal

How to Create a Budget for Your Thanksgiving Meal

[ 0 ] October 16, 2020 |

If you are planning to host Thanksgiving at your house this year but money is tight, the first thing you should do is sit down and create a budget and a plan. This will help you control holiday spending and will also prevent food waste. Fortunately, Thanksgiving is one of the “cheaper” holidays to plan […]

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